When the month of Ramadhan starts , the gates of the HEAVEN are opened and the gates of HELL are closed and the devils are chained . Happy Ramadhan and fasting readers !
Today : 13 July 2013
 MH Stalkers

Friday, May 3, 2013

Maybe next time .

Bismillahirrahmanirrahim , assalamualaikum .

Take a deep breath and blow it slowly . I hope at this moment I just redha for what had happen this morning . Sorry friends , I broke my promise , takde rezeki kita nak berjumpa . Suddenly I remembered a quote that I used to hear of it when I'm still tittled as a student of an islamic school .

'although they plan , Allah also plans . And Allah is the best of planners' 

That is why we've been taught to say INSYA ALLAH everytime we plan on something . Only if Allah let us to do it , then what we've planned will work . But if otherwise , we have to redha . Ouh yes , another quote that I used to hear of it is 

'but perhaps you hate a thing and it is good for you , and perhaps you love a thing and it is bad for you . And Allah knows'

This morning I watched Assalamualaikum on channel Al-Hijrah , Amin Idris and his partner Fara Adiba also said the same quote . And just now I thought and I confident that there's wisdom behind this . Allah had showed me many clues .

To Syara and Biha , sorry girls . Maybe next time if Allah will us to meet , then we will meet . But if otherwise , just consider that there's wisdom behind this . 

Enjoy your Saturday girls ! Borong banyak-2 buku dekat sana . 

Till here dulu , assalamualaikum . 

p/s : Allah selalu pilih kau yang jumpa dia , tapi bukan aku . Kenapa ye ? Ya Allah , aku mohon petunjuk dari-Mu .
Bihaa , study elok-2 STAM tuh . Gudluck !